Contact Camp Cullom
You can call Camp Cullom at (765) 296-2753.
You can email Camp Cullom at campc@mintel.net using your own email service or simply fill in the form below to send the camp an email.

Camp Ranger Hoppy
At present, the camp employs a full-time ranger, Hoppy Bray, who lives at the camp. He monitors camp usage and takes care of the many upkeep tasks which the facility necessitates.
During the summer months, our ranger conducts nature programs for various groups. The camp encourages groups of all ages to take advantage of the resources of Camp Cullom to learn about the world we live in. Conservation and preservation of our environment, flora, fauna are emphasized.
Protect our Environment
At Camp Cullom, we Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Please help us keep our camp beautiful and put litter in its proper place.
Thank you!